Klaus Schwab’s vision of a post-COVID world, and how the economy can work with nature…….
WEF Founder Klaus Schwab co-authors book The Great Reset.
Sets out principles of rebuilding a better world post-COVID.
New Nature Economy report makes case for greener business.
Subscribe to podcasts: World Vs Virus and The Great Reset.
As business leaders and policy makers around the world come to terms with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, what should be their priorities? Do we aim to get back to where we were before, or should we take the opportunity to make society fairer, smarter and greener, and get humanity off the road to climate catastrophe – a ‘great reset’?
That’s the subject of a new book by Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum and Thierry Malleret, Co-Founder of Monthly Barometer.
“We are at a turning point of humankind – we should not underestimate the historical significance of the situation we are in,” Prof Schwab said at a virtual book launch this week. You can watch it all here and listen to highlights on this podcast.
#KlausSchwab #covid #thegreatrest